1) getting my first real smile from Baby L- a full on gummy grin. Totally made my day- hell, it really made my week.
1.5) watching Baby L make his firt roll from his stomach to back at 3.5 weeks, and again a few days ago (around 5 weeks)
2) While getting my 80s groove on watching "The Last Starfighter" having Xander ask me, "Is this "Star Wars"?"
Uh, no it's "The Last Starfighter."
"Well it looks like it."
A minute later, having followed Xan downstairs, Rho asks "Is this "Star Wars?"
No, it's "The Last Starfighter."
"Well it looks like it."
3) Actually finishing a couple of books
4) Getting out of the house for a client meeting (by myself! adult conversation!)
5) listening to JB ask Xan to spell something from his 2nd list and having 4.5 year old Rho pipe up to spell it, and then having Rho read some of the spelling list to his big brother- they're all just too smart.
They take after their mother.